The Department of Physics was established in 2011, which is one of the earliest department established in SUSTech. We are devoted to providing first-class education and top-notch research in physics.
The Department has a current size of 35 faculty members, including 5 chair professors, 7 full professors, 17 associate professors and 6 assistant professors; besides this the department also has 1 teaching professor. There are 2 Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3 Special Experts of the Ministry of Education, 5 Recipients of NSFC Distinguished Youth Scientist Award. All members of our academic staffs have education or work experience in top 100 universities in the world.
学科领域/ Disciplinary areas
The Department of Physics now has 4 second-level subjects i.e. condensed matter physics, theoretical physics, computational physics and optics, while setting up biophysics, astrophysics and particle physics. Staff members are engaged in frontier research in the fields of quantum transport and control, surface physics, computational physics, condensed matter theory, quantum information and quantum computation, etc.
科研平台/Research platforms
We have complete lab with more than 350 million (CNY) instruments including MBE, TEM, FIB, PLD, PPMS, STM, High-Performance Calculation System, Surface Reaction and Analysis System, strongly supporting our research work. Several research platforms are being established by our department, including Picometers Center, Neutron Research Center, Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering. And more than 30 laboratories have been established, including Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Thermoelectric Materials, Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Quantum Science and Engineering, High Performance Computation Platform, Surface Physics Laboratory, Mesoscopic Physics Laboratory, Quantum Transport Laboratory, Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, Nanoscale Optoelectronics Laboratory, Thin film Physics Laboratory and so on.
学术成果/ Academic achievements
物理系已独立承担240余项国家级、地方级的科研项目,包括国家自然科学基金项目87项,科技部/教育部项目17项, 广东省项目40项, 深圳市项目77项,科研经费累计逾5.54亿。过去的5年中, 物理系在Nature、Science 、Physical Review Letters、Nature Physics、Nature Materials等权威期刊上发表重要论文1200余篇, PRL以及影响因子大于10的顶级期刊348余篇,以南科大为第一或通讯作者单位的文章675篇。
In recent years, our research support totaled more than 554 million (CNY), including 87 projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China, 17 projects from Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Education, 40 projects from Guangdong Natural Science Foundation, and 77 projects from Shenzhen Municipality. In the past 5 years, our academic staff have published more than 1200 papers in journals including Nature, Science, Physical Review Letters, Nature Physics, Nature Materials.
在学生培养方面,目前物理系共有240余名本科生顺利毕业。其中,有近70%的毕业生赴国内外知名高校或科研院所深造,获包括牛津、加州理工、西北大学等国际一流名校全额奖学金,十余名毕业生在华为、中兴、光启、华星光电、普华永道等著名公司就业。此外,我系本科生还获得了包括美国大学物理竞赛金奖、美国数学建模大赛一等奖在内的高水平奖项30余项,参与科研工作并以一作身份发表包括Phys. Rev. Lett.、Energ. Environ. Sci.和Adv. Funct. Mater.等高水平期刊论文近20篇(含PRL四篇)。物理系目前在校研究生共240人,前三届硕士毕业生已顺利升学或就业,其中包括前往英国利兹大学、日本东京大学、美国田纳西大学继续深造以及赴华为、华星光电、大族机器人、华大基因等著名企业就业的优秀毕业生。
We provide four-year undergraduate programs in Physics and Applied physics. We also offer master and doctorial programs in Physics, and programs in collaboration with renowned universities including Peking University, Harbin Institute of Technology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, National University of Singapore, etc. It has established long-term joint post-doctoral workstations with Peking University, Fudan University, Wuhan University etc. and has just been approved its own post-doctoral workstations in Physics. And Physics in SUSTech has been selected as Guangdong Provincial Peak-climbing Key Disciplines.