系统设计与智能制造学院(SDIM)成立于2018年11月1日,是SUSTech探索和应用新工科教育理念的主要平台之一。SDIM致力于工程教育改革,精心培育未来的创新创业领袖及杰出的工程人才,助力粤港澳大湾区智能制造业的升级,服务国家创新驱动发展的宏伟战略目标 。
Established on November 1, 2018, the School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing (SDIM) is one of the main platforms for SUSTech to explore and apply new engineering education concepts. SDIM is committed to the reform of engineering education and cultivating future innovative and entrepreneurial leaders and outstanding engineering talents to assist the upgrade of intelligent manufacturing in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and serving the grand strategic goal of national innovation-driven development.
使命 Mission
致力工程教育改革Remaking Engineering Education
愿景 Vision
创新创业奇才成长的绿洲An Oasis for Unique Talents
价值观 Value
育人为宗旨、学生为中心Education First, Student Centric
全球视野、家国情怀Global Vision, Societal Responsibility
创新、务实、团队精神Innovative, Pragmatic, Team Spirit
设计智造学院现已组建了一支多学科交融、具有丰富国际背景的教学科研队伍, 研究领域涵盖工业与产品设计、智能制造、电子工程、机械工程、计算机工程、材料工程等。 已入职教授中,有国家专家级人才 3 人、海外高层次人才 2 人、珠江人才计划拔尖人才 1 人、德国国家科学与工程院院士 1 人。
SDIM has now established a multidisciplinary teaching and research team with rich international background. The research interests of the team cover industrial and product design, intelligent manufacturing, electric and electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, computer engineering and materials engineering. There are 7 outstanding professors who are awarded prestigious national or international titles.
分论坛日程Agenda for SDIM Sub-Forum
NO. | Topic | Date | Time | Form |
1 | Electromagnetic Position Sensing for Industrial and Biomedical Applications: Design, Modeling, and Estimation Algorithms | 11th Jan. | 9:30-10:30 | Online |
2 | Tomographic Reconstruction of Defects by Ultrasonic Waves | 10:30-11:30 | Online | |
3 | On line monitoring and diagnosis of power transformer using artificial intelligence technique | 14:30-15:30 | At campus | |
4 | Adopting Design-based Pedagogy to Develop New Engineering Courses | 12th Jan. | 9:30-10:30 | Online |
5 | The principle and application of intelligent flexible manufacturing of high strength lightweight materials | 10:30-11:30 | Online | |
6 | Security, Privacy and Network Intelligence in the CPS/IoT Era | 13th Jan. | 14:30-15:30 | Online |
7 | The Development of Digital Metal Manufacturing Techniques | 15:30-16:30 | Online | |
8 | Evaluating resilience in urban transportation systems for sustainability: A systems-based Bayesian network model | 16:30-17:30 | Online | |
9 | Support structures in additive manufacturing | 14th Jan. | 14:30-15:30 | Online |
10 | Simulation-based Design of Complex Engineering Systems under Uncertainty | 15:30-16:30 | Online |