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作者: 日期:2021-08-31 来源:西安交通大学
• 材料领域:新材料设计与合成;光、电、磁功能材料;智能感知材料;催化材料;环境友好材料等 
• 能源领域:新能源的产生、存储与应用;能量转换与存储材料;电化学电池、燃料电池等 
• 生命与健康领域:基础医学、免疫学、合成生物学、药物研发、生物材料、医学诊疗新技术等 
• 计算与仿真领域:材料跨尺度计算、多物理场计算、动态图像识别、材料与装备智能评估、智能物联网、生物医学大数据等 
• 政治素质过硬、师德师风高尚、育人成效显著、学术成就卓越。 
• 具有带领学科(方向)赶超世界一流水平的能力,能够作为国内外相关领域领先水平标志的学者和立德树人的楷模。 
• 以领衔学科发展、领导创新团队、开创学术前沿研究、担任“科学家工作室”负责人等其中一项为职责。 
• 年龄一般不超过40周岁。 
• 在相关领域取得突出业绩,学术水平居同龄人中拔尖水平。 
• 具有成为学术带头人或学科领军人潜质。  
• 年龄一般不超过36周岁。 
• 在相关领域崭露头角,学术水平居同龄人前列。 
• 具有良好学术潜质。 
• 政治素质过硬。 
• 具有博士学位。 
• 年龄一般不超过32周岁,身心健康。 
• 已在相关领域取得明显业绩,学术水平居同龄人前列。 
• 具有良好学术潜质。 
• 研究方向符合“面向世界科技前沿、面向经济主战场、面向国家重大需求、面向人民生命健康”要求。 
• 学科博士后:支撑学科、重点团队建设,主要布局在传统学科新方向、新兴交叉学科、生命医学、信息技术、大材料、基础学科等重点领域,依托科研团队招收。 
• 项目博士后:保障科研任务实施,依托有科研项目和经费的团队招收。 
• 联合培养博士后:面向经济社会需求,支撑创新研发及推广、高端智库建设等,根据学校与政府、企事业单位合作需求,依托学院科研团队与合作单位联合招收。 
• 申请人发送邮件至fist@xjtu.edu.cn。 
• 邮件主题请注明姓名和拟申请岗位,并请提供本人详细个人简历,简历应包括:应聘的岗位名称、学习与工作履历、研究领域及方向、科研成果(含获奖)、个人承担或参与的研究课题、学术任职情况、研究计划以及申请人认为其他必要的内容等。中英文简历均可。 
Faculty and Postdoc Positions in Frontier Institute of Science and Technology (FIST), Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi’an, China  
Frontier Institute of Science and Technology (FIST) is a selective investment by Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) in 2010 in an effort to establish a world-class, multi-disciplinary research institute, exploring research management innovation and promoting disciplinary crossing and integration. After the development for more than 10 years, FIST has established the largest scale of science and medicine research platform in XJTU and attracted a group of leading scholars and young talents, who have produced research results leading the cutting-edge trend of science. FIST has presided a number of scientific research projects approved by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, such as 973 projects, won many awards at home and abroad, such as the Second Prize of National Natural Science. Several faculties have been selected into the lists of Elsevier's “TOP Most Cited Chinese Researchers” and Thomson Reuters's "Global Highly Cited Scientists". The interdisciplinary model has helped students establish a broad vision and high innovation ability, and trained a number of first-class scientific research talents with international competitiveness. 
FIST has developed into a highly international interdisciplinary research base with important influence at home and abroad. Talents from different disciplines are welcome to join FIST, where we encourage free exploration and promote interdisciplinary collaboration. At present, FIST is planning to build several university-level interdisciplinary research centers and emerging discipline research centers, vigorously introduce top scientists and outstanding young scholars, carry out frontier science and technology research and explore new modes of talents training, solve frontier key technologies and common technical problems, and become the core carrier of discipline cross and the incubator of emerging disciplines of XJTU.  
IPreferred Research Fields or Directions 
FIST invites talents with expertise in the following (but not limited to) fields or directions: 
 New Material:  
New material design and synthesis; optical, electrical and magnetic functional materials; intelligent sensing materials; catalytic materials; environmentally friendly materials, etc. 
 New Energy:  
Energy generation, storage and application of new energy; energy conversion and storage materials; Electrochemical cell, fuel cell, etc. 
 Health and Life Science:  
Basic medicine, immunology, synthetic biology, drug research and development, biomaterials, new medical diagnosis and treatment technologies, etc. 
 Computer Simulations in Science:  
Material cross-scale computing, multi physical field computing, dynamic image recognition, intelligent evaluation of materials and equipment, intelligent Internet of things, biomedical big data, etc. 
FIST invites talents with the following (but not limited to) subject background: 
Biology&Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Geosciences, Clinical Medicine, Materials Science, Engineering, Materials Science, Mathematics, Physics, Clinical Medicine, Molecular Biology & Genetics, Neuroscience & Behavior, Immunology, Microbiology, Environment/Ecology, Plant & Animal Science, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Multidisciplinary, etc. 
II. Positions, Salary and Benefits 
1. Leading Scholars 
An eligible candidate for Leading Scholar positions should be a person of high integrity, described as honest, trustworthy, and respectful of others, an internationally renowned scientist and established leader in his/her field, with the ability and willing to build his/her center in the field of emerging disciplines or lead our present centers into an internationally recognized center of excellence. 
Salary & working conditions
To be determined by case
Living accommodations
♦ High quality educational resources for children in the local area
♦ Full-time leading scholars can be provided with an apartment from XJTU for rent or purchase, social insurance and housing provident fund.
2. Top Young Talents (Full-time) 
An eligible candidate for Top Young Talents should be a person of high integrity, described as honest, trustworthy, and respectful of others. There are two kinds of positions for Top Young Talents: Professors and Distinguished Associate Professors.  
Qualification for Professors: 
 Hold a PhD degree 
 Physically and mentally healthy 
 Under the age of 40 (including 40) 
 Demonstrate outstanding academic accomplishments and the potential to be leaders in their research fields 
Qualification for Distinguished Associate Professors: 
 Hold a PhD degree 
 Physically and mentally healthy 
 Under the age of 36 (including 36) 
 Demonstrate excellent academic accomplishments and great academic potential  
The applicants can join our present teams or establish new research teams based on their research fields or on their own will. 
Professors: 450,000 RMB / year
Distinguished Associate Professors: 300,000 RMB / year
Salary can be negotiated for those who are exceptionally excellent and are in great need for discipline development.
Other income:
♦ Scientific research performance distribution plus income from transformation of scientific and technological achievements.
♦ The candidates who are selected into Siyuan Scholar Talents Plan can get extra bonus.

♦ For Professor positions, those who have passed the mid-term assessment can get individual subsidy of no more than

100,000 RMB/year from their start-up fund in the second half of the contract period.

Working conditions &
Living accommodations
♦ Start-up fund for the candidates in the field of natural science and technology
Professors: 2,000,000 RMB
Distinguished Associate Professors: 1,000,000 RMB
♦ One-time settlement fee:
Professors: 500,000 RMB (after tax).
Distinguished Associate Professors: 350,000 RMB (after tax).
♦ An apartment from XJTU for rent or purchase.
♦ High quality educational resources for children in the local area
 3. Young and Excellent Talents (Full-time) 
An eligible candidate for Young and Excellent Talents should be a person of high integrity, described as honest, trustworthy, and respectful of others. 
 Hold a PhD degree 
 Physically and mentally healthy 
 Under the age of 32 (including 32) 
 Demonstrate remarkable academic accomplishments and good academic potential 
 Research directions serve for the great need of the country development. 
♦ 300,000 RMB / year
♦ May get performance bonus from FIST or research team
Living accommodations
♦ An apartment from XJTU for rent or rent subsidy of 1,500 RMB/month
♦ Social insurance and housing provident fund
♦ High quality educational resources for children in the local area
4. Postdocs (Full-time) 
 Obtained PhD degree within the last 3 years 
 Physically and mentally healthy 
 Demonstrate good academic accomplishments and good academic potential 
There are three kinds of Postdoctoral positions: Academic Postdocs, Project Postdocs and Joint Training Postdocs. 
 Academic Postdocs: aim to support the construction of disciplines and key teams, mainly in the key fields of new directions of traditional disciplines, emerging interdisciplinary disciplines, life medicine, information technology, big materials, basic disciplines and social science, recruited by scientific research teams. 
 Project Postdocs: ensure the implementation of scientific research tasks and recruited by the teams with research projects and funds.  
 Joint Training Postdocs: serve for the economic and social needs, support innovation R & D and promotion, construction of high-end think tanks, etc. based on the cooperation needs between the university and the government, enterprises and institutions, jointly recruited by the scientific research team of the university and the cooperative units. 
♦ 160,000 RMB / year
♦ May get performance bonus from FIST or research team
Living accommodations
♦ An apartment from XJTU for rent or rent subsidy of 1,500 RMB/month
♦ Social insurance and housing provident fund
♦ High quality educational resources for children in the local area
III. How to Apply 
 Please send your cover letter and up-to-date CV to fist@xjtu.edu.cn, indicating your name and interested positions in the email subject line. 
• CV should include your name, interested position, education and working experiences, research field and direction, scientific research achievements (including award), research projects, academic participation, research plan and other necessary contents. CV can be in English or Chinese, but foreign professional titles must be expressed in English. 
IV. Contact 
Ms. Ying LIU, Xiangli MENG 
Tel: 86-29-83395132, 86-29-83395131 
Address: No. 99 YanXiang Road, YanTa District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, P. R. China, 710054 
More information about FIST can be viewed at http://fist.xjtu.edu.cn.  
